The Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Cathedral was constructed in 1969 and is valued as the see of the Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster, governing the Eparchy's 12 parishes of British Columbia. The temple-like, formal design, and its high-visibility corner location and siting, give the church building the air of a landmark.
This church and hall complex symbolizes the culmination of over 25 years of effort by local Ukrainian Catholics to achieve an adequate and permanent parish in New Westminster, starting in 1941 at the Holy Spirit church in the Queensborough neighbourhood, followed by two subsequent attempts in the 1950s and 60s to formalize the St. George’s parish in different locations before the current property was developed.
The unrelenting fundraising, organization and perseverance of this community, resulting in a successful and well-functioning church and hall, was likely one of the reasons this parish was chosen as the cathedral and headquarters for a new Eparchy in British Columbia when it was established in 1974.
We are a vibrant and welcoming parish!
There are five aspects of parish life that are important to us…
Liturgy and Prayer/Fellowship – daily celebration of the Most Holy Eucharist (Divine Liturgy); Vespers and Matins on Sundays and Major Feast Days; daily personal prayer and devotions in private homes; to create a strong sense of family and church community.
Kerygma – the proclamation of the Word of God.
Catechesis – the instruction and formation of children, youth, and adults.
Diakonia – to serve others, especially those in need.
Leadership/Stewardship – to develop the talents of parishioners, to encourage those with leadership skills to use their gift for the common good and the building up of the Church; to foster vocations; to take care of and use wisely the material and spiritual assets entrusted to us.
Our Team

The Ukrainian Catholic Church welcomes you to British Columbia
Glory be to Jesus Christ!
Dear Faithful:
The Ukrainian Catholic Church welcomes you to British Columbia!
For 130 years, Ukrainians have settled in British Columbia, taking up roots, contributing over the years to the building up of the Province of British Columbia, a place we can all be proud to call home.
The Church has been an important part of that history offering spiritual support for its faithful. And we are here for you today to help you in your needs whether they be a place to worship on Sundays and Feastdays, baptisms and weddings, wedding anniversaries, First Solemn Communion, catechesis, confession, counselling, and so much more.
With some 7,500 Ukrainian Catholics in British Columbia, and some 12 parishes, you’re sure to find one of our parishes nearby. To find us, visit www.nweparchy.ca
Please consider becoming a member of a parish near you. Join our spiritual family Give glory to God. Use your God-given gifts to build up the Kingdom of God here on earth.
May God’s blessing be upon you!