Sunday services
Time for community prayer and fellowship

Daily Prayer
Our church is open from 8 AM to 6 PM

Please contact our pastor to arrange for them

As members of Holy Eucharist Cathedral, we are a community and a parish family, open to all who desire to hear the word of God and come to the knowledge of truth. All are welcome!
Every Sunday, in “spirit and truth,” we gather to worship the one true God, our Heavenly Father, revealed to us in fullness by His Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and by His Holy Spirit.
We look forward to meeting you and worshiping with our Lord with you in the Byzantine Rite of the Catholic Church.

8:00 am - Matins (English)
9:00 am – Divine Liturgy (English)
10:30 am – Divine Liturgy (Ukrainian)
DAILY (Tue-Sat):
8:30 am – Divine Liturgy (English/Ukrainian)
6:00 pm – Great Vespers

Pastoral Ministry and
Holy Mysteries
Baptisms – by appointment
Marriages – six months notice should be given to the parish priest, and he should be contacted before any other arrangements are made
Funerals – by appointment
Confessions – 1/2 hour before Liturgy
Eucharist – for the sick – any time
Anointing – any time
Hospital Visits – any time